
How to Call Multiple JavaScript Functions in onClick Event


Use the addEventListener() Method

If you want to call or execute multiple functions in a single click event of a button, you can use the JavaScript addEventListener() method, as shown in the following example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Call Multiple JavaScript Functions on Click of a Button</title>
    <button type="button" id="myBtn">Click Me</button>
    // Defining custom functions
    function sayHello(){
        alert("Hello World! sayHello() function executed successfully!");
    function sayHi(){
        alert("Hi There! sayHi() function executed successfully!");
    // Selecting button element
    var btn = document.getElementById("myBtn");
    // Assigning event listeners to the button
    btn.addEventListener("click", sayHello);
    btn.addEventListener("click", sayHi);

See the tutorial on JavaScript event listeners to learn more attaching multiple event handlers.

Alternatively, you can also call more than one JavaScript function in one onclick event, like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Execute Two JavaScript Function in One onClick Event</title>
    // Defining custom functions
    function sayHello(){
        alert("Hello World! sayHello() function executed successfully!");
    function sayHi(){
        alert("Hi There! sayHi() function executed successfully!");
    <button type="button" onclick="sayHello();sayHi();">Click Me</button>