
How to replace multiple spaces with single space in JavaScript


Use the JavaScript replace() method

You can simply use the JavaScript replace() to replace the multiple spaces inside a string.

Let's take a look a

    var myStr = 'The  quick brown fox';
    document.write('<p>' + myStr + '</p>'); // Browser doesn't display multiple spaces
    var newStr = myStr.split(' ').join('-');
    document.write('<p>' + newStr + '</p>'); // Print 'The--quick-brown-fox'
    var myStr = myStr.replace(/  +/g, ' ');
    document.write('<p>' + myStr + '</p>');
    var newStr = myStr.split(' ').join('-');
    document.write('<p>' + newStr + '</p>');  // Print 'The-quick-brown-fox'

t the following example to understand how it basically works:

    var myStr = 'The     quick   brown  fox';
    alert(myStr);  // Output 'The     quick   brown  fox'
    var newStr = myStr.replace(/  +/g, ' ');
    alert(newStr);  // Output 'The quick brown fox'

However, the difference is not visible if you print those strings on a web page, because browsers treat multiple spaces as single space unless you preserve white space.